Combos – Spice Drop India




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18 products in collection

7 Spice Gift Combo

7 Spice Gift Combo

In stock | kg

Spice Drop's 7 Spice Combo
(Chai Masala Extract, Clove, Cardamom Extract, Black Pepper Extract, Cinnamon Extract, Lemongrass Extract & Ginger Extract)

Basic ingredients for every Indian kitchen! 

Give the gift of great taste and convenience to your loved ones which will...
Health Combo

Health Combo

In stock | kg

Spice Drop Health Combo
(Cinnamon Extract, Lemongrass Extract & Ginger Extract)

Use it for healthy cooking. 

Finger Food Combo

Finger Food Combo

In stock | kg

Spice Drop Finger Food Combo
(Black Pepper Extract, Red Chilli Extract & Garlic Extract)

Use it to flavour dips, sauces, butter and cheese!

Royal Beverage Combo

Royal Beverage Combo

In stock | kg

Royal Beverage Combo
(Cardamom Extract, Kesar Milk Masala Extract & Chai Masala)

This combo contains 1 bottle of 5 ml Cardamom, 1 bottle of 20 ml Kesar Milk Masala and 1 bottle of 5 ml Chai Masala Spice Drop. 

Coffee Combo

Coffee Combo

In stock | kg

Coffee Combo
(Cardamom Extract, Cinnamon Extract)

This combo contains 1 bottle each of 5 ml Cardamom and Cinnamon Spice Drop. 

Use it to enhance the strong taste & aroma of your...

Tea Time Combo

Tea Time Combo

In stock | kg

Spice Drop Tea Time Combo1

(Cardamom Extract, Chai Masala Extract & Ginger Extract)

This combo contains 1 bottle each of 5 ml Chai Masala,...

Tea Time Combo - 2

Tea Time Combo - 2

In stock | kg

Tea Time Combo 2
(Cardamom Extract & Chai Masala Extract)

This combo contains 1 bottle each of 5 ml Chai Maala, and Cardamom Spice Drop.

Use it to make your chai more meaningful and sumptuous with that...

Tea Time Combo - 3

Tea Time Combo - 3

In stock | kg

Tea Time Combo - 3
(Chai Masala Extract & Ginger Extract)

This combo contains 1 bottle each of 5 ml Chai Masala and Ginger Spice Drop. 

Use it to make your chai more meaningful and sumptuous with...

Tea Time Combo - 1

Tea Time Combo - 1

In stock | kg

Tea Time Combo - 4
(Cardamom Extract & Ginger Extract)

This combo contains 1 bottle each of 5 ml Cardamom and Ginger Spice Drop. 

Use it to make your chai more meaningful and sumptuous with that Indian...

Kitchen Combo

Kitchen Combo

In stock | kg

Kitchen Combo - 1
(Garam Masala Extract, Cumin Extract & Red Chilli Extract)

This combo contains 1 bottle each of 5 ml Cumin, Red Chilli, and Garam Masala Spice Drop. 
