Kaadha – Spice Drop India




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The wisdom of Kaadha has been passed down by generations, and for good reason.
The melange of extraordinary goodness of spices combats a variety of health concerns and have long lasting health benefits when consumed regularly.

The combined healing powers of black pepper, clove, ginger, turmeric and tulsi make this a potent concoction- vital to fight everyday ailments and avoid dangerous illnesses.
Having a cup of hot Kaadha everyday builds your immune system and shelters you from seasonal infections. The humble kaadha is your antidote for popping pills and temporary health fixes. This cup of goodness is the answer to countless ailments, and should find it’s place in your everyday routine, as recommended by Ayush Ministry of India

Spice Drop brings to you a blend of spice extracts from the traditional Kaadha recipe. Add one drop for a mild taste and two for a stronger experience. 


x ₹250.00 = ₹250.00

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Ingredients ASSAMI COUNTRY PUNCH Directions


Powdered jaggery - 3 cups
Water - 1 ½ cups
Lime juice - 3/4-1 cup
Chilled soda

Assami Adrak Spice Drop

Boil jaggery with water till completely dissolved. Strain through a thin cloth. 'Cool and add lime juice.
Pour in bottles and store in the fridge.To serve - Pour 3-4 tbsp of the syrup in each glass. Add 2 drops Assami Adrak Spice Drop filled up with chilled soda.
Variation : Use Ginger Spice Drop to replace Assami Adrak Spice Drop.

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