Clove – Spice Drop India




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The Spice Drop Clove extract is an incredible product with naturally warm, sweet and powerful notes that helps you blend in the aromatic flavour of clove without the hassle of storing the raw spice or grinding it. 

Say goodbye to that dilemma of adding the right amount of cloves to your dishes with the help of Spice Drop Clove extract, you can easily add exactly the right amount of flavour to your meals.

Just use the dropper that comes with the package and mix in a few drops of the extract to the prepared dish, depending on your taste, and use a ladle to combine.

Best used at the end of cooking or at your table!

Expiry: 2 years from date of manufacture.

#indiancooking #tea #biryani 



x ₹150.00 = ₹150.00

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Ingredients MARATHA COUNTRY PUNCH Directions


Powdered jaggery - 3 cups
Water - 1 ½ cups
Lime juice - 3/4-1 cup
Chilled soda

Maratha Amruttulya Spice Drop

Boil jaggery with water till completely dissolved. Strain through a thin cloth. 'Cool and add lime juice.
Pour in bottles and store in the fridge.To serve - Pour 3-4 tbsp of the syrup in each glass. Add 2 drops Maratha Amruttulya Spice Drop filled up with chilled soda.
Variation : Use Ginger Spice Drop to replace Maratha Amruttulya Spice Drop.

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