Premium Black Tea
Imagine a plush, fluffy cloud. You're floating on it, enveloped in serenity.This Assamese black tea is so pure, it can land you in the lap of calm, any time of the day. Handpicked from select plantations, our tea has a distinct malty and aromatic flavour that is designed to delight with every sip. While the tea is packed with it's own fantastic flavour, you might consider upgrading your tea time experience through these unique tea pairings spanning the culinary delights of India.
Suggested Spice Drop Upgrades:
Chai Masala | Hydrabadi Kadak | Mumbai Cutting | Assami Adrak | Maratha Amruttulya | Cardamom | Ginger
Customer Reviews
Powdered jaggery - 3 cups
Water - 1 ½ cups
Lime juice - 3/4-1 cup
Chilled soda
Chai Masala Spice Drop
Boil jaggery with water till completely dissolved. Strain through a thin cloth. 'Cool and add lime juice.
Pour in bottles and store in the fridge.To serve - Pour 3-4 tbsp of the syrup in each glass. Add 2 drops Chai Masala Spice Drop filled up with chilled soda.
Variation : Use Ginger Spice Drop to replace Chai Masala Spice Drop.