Thyme Extract – Spice Drop India




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Thyme Extract

In stock | kg

Spice drop brings you thyme extract that pairs with a wide range of foods, savory and sweet.Add a pinch to a biscuit or bread dough, pair it with cheesy dishes or toss it with meat. Most soups and stews wouldn’t be the same without thyme.You can add thyme to almost anything you cook.Just use the dropper that comes with the package and mix in a few drops of the extract to the prepared dish, depending on your taste, and experience global taste at home.Best used at the end of cooking or at your table!

Expiry: 2 years from the date of manufacture.

#italianfood #pasta #pizza#bread#salads#butter#orientalfood #soups



x ₹300.00 = ₹300.00

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Ingredients VEGETABLE CHOW Directions


Tomato noodles - 100 gms
Carrot - 1
Cabbage -1 small piece
Capsicum - 1
Spring onions - 4
Chilli Spice Drop™ - 5 drops
Garlic Spice Drop™ - 5 drops
Ginger Spice Drop™ - 1 drop
Soya sauce - 2 tbsp.
Salt - to taste
Ajino moto - a pinch
Oil - 4 tbsp.

Cook noodles, Heat oil.Add sliced onion, deseed & cut capsicum and grated carrot, fry it for a minute or two after each addition.Add shred cabbage, chopped spring onion and Spice Drop™ and toss well - add noodles, salt soya sauce and ajino moto.Mix with forks to evenly distribute all the ingredients. Serve immediately.

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